Course curriculum

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    Module 1(Ankur Bhattacharya)

    • 1.Discrete Time Control
    • 2.Discrete Time Control
    • 3.Discrete Time Control
    • 4.Discrete Time Control
    • 5.Nonlinear System Characteristic
    • 8.Phase Plane Analysis
    • 9.Phase Plane Analysis
    • 10.Lyapunov Stability
    • 11.Lyapunov Stability
    • Describing Functions for Nonlinear Elements -1 | Introduction to Non Linear System | Prof. Ankur Bhattacharya | Control System -2
    • Describing Functions for Nonlinear Elements -2 | Introduction to Nonlinear System |Control System | Prof. Ankur Bhattacharya
    • Introduction to Nonlinear System -3 | Nonlinear System Modelling and Characteristics | Analysis of Non Linear System | Control System -2 | Prof. Ankur Bhattacharya
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    Module 2 (Swetadri Ghosh)

    • 1.State Space Analysis
    • 2.State Space Analysis
    • 3.State Space Analysis
    • 4.State Space Analysis
    • 5.State Space Analysis
    • 6.State Space Analysis
    • 7.State Space Analysis
    • 8.State Space Analysis
    • 9.State Space Analysis
    • 10.State Space Analysis
    • 11.State Space Analysis